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Do dog tentacles work the same as cat tentacles?

1. Sensing the presence of objects

First of all, the structure of the eyes of dogs is different from that of humans. Human eyes have 3 kinds of cone cells and can perceive 3 kinds of colors, while dogs only have 2 kinds of cone cells, so dogs are red-green color blind. Dogs see a lot of things blurry. This is equivalent to if humans can see objects 23 meters away, while dogs can only see objects about 6 meters away. But dogs have a lot of rod cells, and rod cells are sensitive to light, which is why dogs can be used to stay home at night. In fact, not only can the dog see things in the distance, but because the mouth is very long, the dog can't see clearly at close range, so the tentacles on both sides of his mouth come in handy. The tentacles can help the dog perceive the distance of the object. , which is why the dog can eat the food in the dog bowl.



2. Feel the environment

A dog's tentacles are 2-3 times deeper than his hair roots. The roots of the tentacles are covered with nerves and blood vessels, so that each tentacle will become a super sensitive sensor during the movement. It can feel the flow of air and Wind direction, equivalent to a radar system. In the wild, since they are not kept as pets by humans, and no one gives him dog supplies for living, the effect of these tentacles can greatly improve a dog's chances of survival.



3. Measuring tools

In the wild, if the dog wants to enter a narrow passage or hole, then his tentacles can measure the diameter of the hole. At this time, the tentacles can well protect the dog's head from being stuck. Sometimes they find something novel in the cave and want to use it as a dog toy, so they first touch it through the tentacles to make sure it's safe.