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Did you choose the right toy for the cat?

Many cat owners have the same doubts, why do cats not like to play with so many toys? When cat owners buy toys for cats, they imagine that cats will like them invincibly. They didn't expect cats will be motionless and indifferent to the new cat toys. On the contrary, cats regarded the messy things like data cables and plastic bags at home as treasures.

Why do cats have such a phenomenon?

First of all, we have to understand the needs of cats.

The primitive nature of cats is to hunt. So when choosing toys, satisfy the cat's hunting desire.

1 toy size

Cats will prefer to chase small, lightweight toys that are easy to pick up in their mouths.

For cats living in the wild, prey is smaller than their own, and objects that are too large are more like a threat. Therefore, choose the right size toy according to the cat's body type.

2 toy material

In the choice of cat toys, don't be fooled by some good-looking appearances. We must pay more attention to the material of the toys. Generally speaking, cats don't like hard toys. Cats will prefer soft toys, and they can hold these toys firmly with their paws.

3 the fun of toys

There is a wide range of cat toys, and toys with moving and sound effects are more attractive to cats. Some irregular exercises can make them play well. For example, smart snake cat toy that swing from side to side, jump up and down, and run around can inspire cats' nature of hunting.

If you keep one direction or movement while playing with interactive toys, and the cat has been unable to touch it, the cat will gradually lose the will to pounce.

If in the process of playing games, environment will also restrict the cat's activities. The cat owner can place appropriate shelters in the space to wake the cat to hunting mode.

Cats will also use obstacles in the space to hide and hide, and have the fun of hunting.