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HEREZA v mene KIKO ? a prijimanie na ruku

 Pre NEOKATECHUMENAT pouzil slova UZNANIA a prijatia

papez Pavol VI / audiencia 8.5.1974/

papez Jan Pavol II. / list z 30.8.1990 OGNI QUALVOLTA/,

Benedikt XVI. / 17.1.2011 na sukromnej audiencii/,

papez Frantisek /1.2.2014 na sukromnej audiencii/

Neokatechmenátne hnutie s požehnaním slovenských bikupov uviedlo 

 sväté prijimanie na ruku už celé roky pred  obdobím pandémie.

Neokatechumenát  pozvala ci prijala  na Slovensko vraj gréckokatolicka cirkev - vladyka Babjak.


Neocatechumenal Way | Kiko Arguello | Neocats (

V r.1995 publikoval taliansky kňaz, passionista Enrico Zoffoli, teolog, KRITIKU o komunite NEOKATECHUMENALNA CESTA a obvinil toto hnutie z HERÉZY.

  " Ich doktrína je vážnym kompromisom s omylmi proti fundamentánej teológii katolíckej cirkvi, proti pápežovi a proti koncilu.

   Neguje Vykúpenie, sviatostný charakter Eucharistie, premenenie chleba a vína, atď.... nepochopili pojem hriechu a koncept

    milosti. Ich doktrinalne tvrdenia sú chybné." píše pater Zoffolini.

Varuje, že môžu byť hrozbou pre budúci vývoj v katolíckej cirkvi.


Poznámka: Aj keď sa o tom verejne nehovorilo, členovia komunity Neokatechumenálnej cesty slávili alebo naďalej slávia svoje nedeľné sväté omše zasadne v SOBOTU  večer, zasadne nie v priestore kostola, za zamknutými dverami / prístup len pre členov Uz cele roky sa pre členov tejto komunity podáva sv.prijímanie  vylucne NA RUKU!


Vo svojich inštrukciách pre Neokatechmenátnu cestu píše zakladateľ - s prezyvkou  Kiko - aj toto:

Večná spása je ponúkaná každému slobodne milosrdenstvom Boha, ktorý všetko odpúšťa.

PEKLO nebude existovať a

nemá sa hovoriť ani o OČISTCI, o  modlitbách a o odpustkách za mrtvych.

- aby sme nasledovali Krista, potrebujeme predať naše majetky, ale keď raz bolo toto odovzdanie uskutočnené, je dovolené žiadať iné /hmotne veci/ a radovať sa zo života. CHUDOBA ako ju chápal sv.František, bola inšpirovaná " prírodzeným náboženstvom" a praktizovali ju aj pohania. Preto NIE JE kresťanskou cnosťou,

-On nám prikázal, aby sme eventuálne nenávideli našich rodičov, bratov, príbuzných,atď, ak je nutné, treba byť pripraveným uprednostniť Jeho pred nimi,

-Ježiš nie je pre nás ten, ktorého treba nasledovat,

Ovela zavaznejsie su vsak myslienky ci tvrdenia o  eucharistickom Jezisovi.


Ale kto si da namahu to preskumat?



"Traditional Christianism, with Baptism, First Communion, Sunday Mass, Commandments of God, was not Christianism. It was dirt. We were pre-Christians. (...) God called us now to found a catechumen movement turned towards rebirth (of real Christianism)." These words are found in the Neocatechumenate Orientation Guide, a 373 page manual written by two Spaniards, Kiko Arguello, an artist and flamenco guitarist, and Carmen Hernandez, an ex-nun. Kiko and Carmen are the founders and leaders of the


TRADICNE KRESTANSTVO s krstom, prvym svatym prijimanim, nedelnou svatou omsou a Bozimi prikazaniami NEBOLO krestanstvo. Bola to SPINA. Boli sme pred-krestania.

Boh nas teraz vola zalozit katecheticke hnutie, ktore povedie k ZNOVUZRODENIU - k skutocnemu krestanstvu.

Tieto slova sa daju najst v materiali zakladatela Neokatechumenalneho Hnutia , ktory je MANUALOM  pre hnutie , na str.272. Napisal ho zakladatel Kiko Arguello, umelec a flamenco gitarista  spolu s byvalou mniskou Carmen Hernandez.

Nepatrim medzi stupencov tradicionalizmu v katolickej cirkvi, ktori vsetych, ktori s niecim nesuhlasia tlacia dole k zemi, ale nesmierne si vazim DOSTOJNOST mojho blizneho , takze keby som ziadal od niekoho, aby urobil rozhodny krok vo svojom zivote,



Biskup Schneider

POMENOVAL Neokatechumenat TROJSKYM KONOM v cirkvi. V Kazachstane ako biskupsky delegat pomahal tomuto hnutiu, sluzil svate omse a dobre sa oboznamil so spismi zakladatela, ktoreho nazyvaju KIKO.

Po tom, ako sa dokladne zoznamil so smernicami pred spolocenstvo, napisanymi zakladatelom, tvrdi: 

Neokatechumenat je PROTESTANSKO- ZIDOVSKA KOMUNITA vnutri katolickej cirkvi s KATOLICKOU DEKORACIOU.

Najnebezpecnejsi aspekt je EUCHARISTIA.

Oni zavrhuju ucenie katolickej cirkvi o eucharistii / to hovori o tom, co nasiel v materialoch pre spolocenstvo od jeho zakladatela/.,

Eucharistia je srdcom. Ak je srdce v zlom stave, cele telo je v zlom stave.

Prijimaju pri stole a posediacky prijimaju kusky chleba a nevsimaju si omrvinky,ktore padaju na zem.

Druhym nebezpecenstvo je ich IDEOLOGIA.

Cirkev mala svoj idealny zivot iba do 4.storocia , do cias Konstantina , potom zacala cirkev UPADAT co sa tyka dokriny, liturgie i moralne.  / Ani 17.storocie velkeho katolickeho rozkvetu nebolo pre Kika nicim?/.

Kritika zasiahla aj Tridenstky koncil. Podla Kika mraky nad cirkvou viseli od 4.storocia  az do II.vatikanskeho koncilu.

Hovori, ze jeho komunita je spolocenstvom apostolov II.vatikanskeho koncilu.

A svoje negativne praktiky zakryvaju II.vatikanskym koncilom.


Na svojich stretnutiach s biskupmi predstavuju veriacich, ktori su cerstvo obrateni a  mnohe duchovne povolania.

Mnohi biskupi su vsak takymi svedectvami zaslepeni.

Neokatecumenat podporuje HUMANAE VITA a predstavuju tych, ktori chcu rodiny s mnohymi detmi. 

Ale to je zaslepenost PLODMI, pretoze aj rozne ine protestanstke skupiny podporuju myslienku zdravych krestanskych rodin s mnohymi detmi, aj mnoho inych skupin ma mnohe povolania.

Moze sa stat az HRIESNYM divat sa na PLODY a nevsimat si ich NAUKU o EUCHARISTII a ich NAUKU O LITURGII.

Biskup Athanasius Schneider: Neokatekumenski put je židovsko-protestantska hereza – Pax Tibi. Pro Deo, Christo et Ecclesia





V r.2016 zomrela Carmen H., ktora so zakladatelom spolupracovala. Kiko ziada jej kanonizaciu a v modlitbe k nej pouziva tieto slova: OBNOVITELKA cirkvi, ohlasovatelka KERYGMY, svata CARMEN .

Podla katolickej cirkvi by mala byt nazyvana v case ,ked nie je kanonizovana,  sluzobnicou Bozou.





 In 1995, the Italian Passionist priest and theologian Enrico Zoffoli published a critique of the Way that accused the movement of heresy: “Their doctrine is seriously compromised with errors against fundamental dogmatics of the Church, the Popes and the Councils. They negate the Redemption, the sacrificial character of the Eucharist, the transubstantiation, etc... they misunderstand the sin and the Grace concepts... their doctrinal statements are fundamentally wrong.” Zoffoli warned that "the building of Neocatechumenal seminaries, where candidates are prepared for the priesthood educated in accordance with the doctrinal errors of Kiko, could be one of the worst threats for the Church of tomorrow.". 


The work of Ariel S. Levi Gualdo It is dedicated to the Servant of God Pier Carlo Landucci and the Passionist Enrico Zoffoli, Roman priests, who denounced the first Ecclesiastical Authority heresies of the Neocatechumenal Way, in 1983 and in 1992


An exorcist teaches 4 steps to forgive




4 kroky na ceste ODPUSTANIA - poucenie exorcistu o.JIM BLOUNT:











Bret Thoman, OFS - published on 01/12/21

These won't be easy steps, but they will bring freedom.

Sometimes, says Fr. Jim Blount, there are spiritual realities at work that may be blocking us. Blount is an exorcist, devoted to a ministry of healing and deliverance. Sometimes there is no desire to forgive. Sometimes the desire to forgive is incomplete. Sometimes, even, there is a spirit of unforgiveness in the family. In such cases it is necessary to ask God for the grace to want to forgive, for the strength and love to be able to forgive. 

But we can cooperate with God’s grace in the process of forgiving. To that end, Fr. Jim recommends the following four steps of forgiveness in order to forgive utterly, completely and in a saintly manner:




The first step requires the will. Forgiveness begins with an act of the will. This is to say, we choose freely to forgive.

Forgiveness is not based on feelings or emotions. It is a decision. We can have any number of feelings or thoughts, but it is our will that determines forgiveness. It is a decision to do something, to commit oneself to let the past go. Thoughts and emotions help us to arrive at the right decisions, but it is ultimately our decisions that determine our lives.


We make the decision to forgive through the healing grace of Jesus Christ. We do as he says in the Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” If we do not have mercy on others, we inhibit the mercy he promises to extend to us.

Just as Christ forgave his persecutors on the cross, we forgive others who may have harmed us. We can forgive anyone: parents and other family members, priests, teachers, or anyone else who has ever hurt us, but only through the grace offered by Jesus and by a firm commitment of the will.

To decide to forgive, make an act of the will with this prayer: “I forgive you, [Name], in the Name of Jesus Christ, now and forever.”


In the second step, we bless those who harmed us. Here we return a blessing for a curse. Christians never return a curse for a curse; instead, we return a blessing.

It may be the case that the person who harmed me spoke a curse toward me; this is known as a “word curse.” Word curses can be very powerful. Whenever someone in authority curses, it is harmful: a mother, father, husband, or older sibling. This also applies to employers or teachers. Those in power should use their lips to bless, but if they instead curse, it is diabolical. We have to reverse it. And we do so by blessing them.

This is the most important step to forgiveness. The anger and hatred of our wounds leave by the act of blessing. Blessing melts the ice of the heart. Blessing releases the poison. Blessing heals the heart.

The blessing we give should be rich and bounteous. By blessing someone, we declare that we want for them all that God wants for them. Blessing is an expression that another soul should know the boundless love of God and should receive God’s mercy. After all, St. Paul teaches, “Bless those who persecute you” (Rom. 12:14).

Even if the sins committed against us were terrible, we want them to be forgiven and for the person to be blessed. We want the one who harmed us to be healed and restored. So Christians pray for those who have offended us and we express the desire for them to have joy in this life and the next. We ask God to make them genuinely happy and to give them whatever they need to be happy and fulfilled. 

Perhaps the person who harmed us has their own sufferings. If so, we ask them to be healed. Perhaps they suffer, or suffered, from alcoholism or other addictions. Perhaps they were harmed and need their own healing. So we pray that they would be delivered from illness and sickness. 

In this step, true forgiveness begins to flow. Now that I have forgiven the person who harmed me, I begin to see everything in a new light. 

To bless someone, make an act of the will with this prayer: “I bless you, [Name] richly, in the name of Jesus Christ, now and forever.”


The next step is difficult. It is a call to maturity, a call to sanctity. It is a saintly step for it requires that we see things as the friends of God—the saints—see things. 

In the third step, I begin to find Christ despite suffering wounds. We begin by recalling that God’s holy will is both causative and permissive. God is the cause of all the good things in my life when he brings blessings into my life. Other times He is permissive, allowing bad things to happen. It may be that God has allowed me to become wounded.

God uses my wounds and my pain to teach me humility and dependence on him alone. Through them, I turn to him and he heals me. Thus, my wounds, even though not caused by God, can be transformed into my medicine. We can thank our persecutors because our persecutors awaken us to the goodness of God. Through my suffering, I’ve learned much about charity, the true nature of the deepest kind of love. With this perspective, we can even begin to thank God for our wounds. With God’s healing grace, we can recognize that it is precisely because of our wounds that we have found salvation. For this reason we understand the richness of what St. Paul teaches when he says, “In all circumstances give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18).

Though we never ask for persecutions and wounds, they can be a channel for us of the grace of a good and bountiful harvest. Scripture says, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit” (John 12:24).

St. Therese of Avila said “The only thing we will thank God for when we get to Heaven will be our crosses.” St. Rose of Lima said similarly, “Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to Heaven.”

Our Lord taught us to turn the other cheek. Though our wounds may be terrible, they can be glorified by Christ. After all, in heaven Christ’s own wounds of the crucifixion are not erased. They are used to manifest God’s glory, since the wounds become the means by which the apostles are able to recognize the Lord and believe.

Therefore, we should ask for the grace to thank God for the wounds we have suffered in this life because they have the ability to lead to our healing. And we can thank our offenders, in prayer, for being God’s instruments working for our sanctification.

To give thanks to God, make an act of the will with this prayer: “I thank you Lord, and, and I thank you, [Name] for the wound that heals.”


In the fourth and final step of forgiveness, we give praise directly to God. Here we turn our thoughts to the glorious reign of God’s heavenly kingdom, bowing down before God to praise him for all that he has given to us.

We acknowledge Our Lord himself as the source of all our life. God is the all-loving Divine Physician who, for our good and eternal salvation, comes to our aid in the midst of sin and suffering. 

In fact, as Scripture says, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” (John 3:16). The Father so longed for the redemption of the world he has made, that he sent his Son to suffer and die that we might come to know God’s own innermost goodness and love. Connected to Christ’s own suffering, our wounds can be great gifts that open us to God’s life, love, and salvation.

Therefore, we praise and thank Almighty God for all our wounds and suffering. In his perfect wisdom, he has designed everything for my good, here and in eternity.

By praising him, we return all that we are and all that we have suffered to God, the source of all that is good in life. This step completes our forgiveness and leads to perfect acceptance of God’s holy will.

All is in his hands, ordered and arranged by his Divine Providence; all is well in my soul.

To praise God, make an act of the will with this prayer: “I praise you Lord and your Blessed Mother and I glorify you for your heavenly plan that is saving me and leading me to perfect joy.”