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Za POKOJ vo svete - sv.omsa 4.10.2022

Jeruzalem - sviatok sv.Frantiska - svata omsa za POKOJ VO SVETE:


Mass of St Francis of Assisi 2022 | Jerusalem - YouTube


Radujte sa všetci v Pánovi na sviatok svätého Františka, s nami sa radujú anjeli a oslavujú Syna Božieho.


Modlitba dňa

Bože, ty si dal nášmu svätému otcovi Františkovi milosť,
aby sa podobal Kristovi chudobou a poníženosťou,*
daj nám, aby sme aj my kráčali po jeho cestách,-
nasledovali tvojho Syna
a zjednocovali sa s tebou v radosti a láske.
Skrze nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, tvojho Syna



Modlitba svateho FRANTISKA

Pane, urob ma nástrojom svojho pokoja.
Daj, aby som vnášala lásku, kde panuje nenávisť, odpustenie, kde sa množia urážky,
jednotu, kde vládne nesvornosť.

Daj, aby som prinášala pravdu tým, ktorí blúdia,
vieru tým, ktorí pochybujú,
nádej tým, ktorí si zúfajú,
svetlo tým, ktorí tápu v tmách,
radosť tým, ktorí smútia.

Pane, daj, aby som sa snažila skôr potešovať iných, než aby mňa potešovali,
skôr chápať iných, než aby mňa chápali,
skôr milovať iných, než aby mňa milovali.

Pretože len keď dávame, nadobúdame,
len keď zabúdame na seba, nachádzame seba samých, len keď odpúšťame, dostáva sa nám odpustenia,
len keď odumierame sebe,
povstávame k večnému životu. Amen




KLASTOR  SVATEHO VYKUPITELA je frantiskansky klastor v Jeruzaleme. Nachadza sa  v starom meste Jeruzalem vychodne od NOVEJ BRANY.

Frantiskansky rad zakupil pozemok v r.1560 so suhlasom vladnuceho sultana. Kostol bol postaveny v r.1885 a renovovany v r.1985. Oficialnu podporu pre vystavbu klastora poskytol rakusko-uhorsky panovnik Frantisek Jozef I. pocas svojej navstevy v Jeruzaleme v r.1869.

Ku klastoru patri kniznica, katolicka skola, vyrobna organov a tlaciaren.

V Jeruzaleme sa nachadza aj armensky KLASTOR VYKUPITELA - klastor armenskej cirkvi - na hore SION. Je  vraj postaveny na mieste vazenia, kde bol Pan Jezis po odsudeni velradou poslany na noc. Klastor sa nachadza hned pri benediktinskom opatstve na hore SION pri Sionskej brane za murmi Jeruzalema.




In the beginning of the 20th century, the Fathers of the Holy Sepulchre, or Guardians of the Holy Sepulchre, were six or seven Franciscan fathers, who along with as many lay brothers kept watch over the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and its sanctuaries.[1]


According to the 1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia:

To the right of the Sacred Tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalene, which opens into the 10th-century Chapel of the Apparition of Christ to His Blessed Mother, served by the Franciscan fathers and containing their choir. Just off this chapel is the small damp monastery that 13th century has been the abode of the Fathers of the Holy Sepulchre. The band is chosen every three months from the Monastery of Saint Saviour, to lead the difficult confined life. Nonetheless, they always finds eager volunteers. The convent is accessible only from the basilica, which under Ottoman rule was in charge of Muslim guards. The keys which lock the basilica shut the friars off from the outer world leaving their only means of communication as aperture in the main portal, through which they receive provisions from Saint Saviour's. Every afternoon the fathers conduct a pilgrimage to the sanctuaries of the basilica, and at midnight, while chanting their Office, they go in procession to the tomb of the Saviour, where they intone the Benedictus.

Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph, in 1869, on his way to the opening of the Suez Canal, visited the Holy Land. He conferred numerous benefactions on Saint Saviour's, and induced the Ottoman Empire to remove the stable which obstructed the light and air of the little monastery of the Holy Sepulchre. He also convinced the Turks to permit the erection of a bell-tower. On 25 September 1875, these bells pealed forth for the first time in 700 years summoning the faithful to worship in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The superiors must be alternately ItalianFrench, and Spanish. The rest of the community of Saint Saviour's generally numbers about 25 Fathers and 55 lay brothers. They are engaged in the various activities of the convent, located within the monastic enclosure. In the early 20th century, besides the church of Saint Saviour (the Latin parish church of Jerusalem) the convent included an orphanage, a Catholic parish school for boys, a printing officecarpenter's and ironmonger's shops, a mill run by steam, and the largest library in Jerusalem.

Guesthouses in Jerusalem | Christian Information Center (


Organs – Jerusalem - Terra Sancta Organ Festival (