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Kardinal SARAH a exorcista p.AMORTH

18. 4. 2021


na ruku a do ust.


VATIKAN odobril zakaz  prijimania do ust v case pandemie.

Vatican approves ban on Communion on the Tongue - PrayTellBlog




Na niektorych miestach v USA sa v sucasnosti aj v case pandemie rozhodli knazi podavat svate prijimanie poklaciacky a do ust a mimoriadni rozdavatelia sv.prijimania stoja v bocnych lodiach a podavaju prijimanie na ruku.

Vacsina prijimajucich prijima sv.hostiu od knaza.- do ust a poklaciacky.


MESSAGES ??????: Directive from Heaven #3 - Communion in the Hand? given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine at Bayside, New York (


Communion received on the tongue and while kneeling (

You Should Receive Communion Kneeling, On the Tongue | K. Albert Little (


Why You Should Receive Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue : Catholic Lane

Kardinal SARAH: "Prijimi svate prijimanie radsej poklaciacky a do ust ako na ruku, aby si stal na strane sv.Michala archanjela a nie Lucifera".


Conference to Promote Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue| National Catholic Register (


(195) A Los Pies Del Señor Jesús - YouTube



rozhodnutie knaza v case pandemie - Kolumbia

(194) Priest has a REVELATION during Holy Mass, breaks down in tears. "No more communion in the hand!" - YouTube

"Od tohto momentu  sa v nasej farnosti sa bude podavat svate prijimanie LEN  do ust a po klaciacky, ... Nie je mozne prijimat inym sposobom. Kristus je zivy a samozrejme je v Najsvatejsej Sviatosti.   Ked mi ho prijimame a nie sme si vedomi, co prijimame a my ho prijimame akoby sme prijimali akykolvek kus chleba. Akoby sme  neverili v jeho pritomnost,neverili, ze je tu a ze ON JE ZIVY. A bolo mi povedane, ze su znamenia v tejto veci, tak budte na pozore. Myslite na to, ze hoci je to iba maly kusok, ON je v nom CELY: Preto musime mat vzdy uctu co najviac moznu,  " vravi  knaz, otec FREDY Leonardo Herrera pocas svatej omse, ked kratko predtym mal zjavenie a prepukol nasledne v plac.

Jeho biskup nezdiela s nim rovnaky nazor, a preto vraj knaza caka tazke obdobie prenasledovania.

Udalost sa stala 22.februara 2021 v meste Bogota v Kolumbii v juznej Amerike, 

pri svatej omsi o 11.00 hod dopoludnia  v kostole Neposkvrneneho Srdca Panny Marie v casti Claret Neibourhood.


Vo vizii spoznal, ako  Pan Jezis trpi, ako je muceny preto, ze prijimame jeho Telo nedostojnym sposobom:

 na ruku a postojacky.

Knaz prepukol l v plac. Pocitil zial nad svojimi vlastnymi hriechmi a nad hriechmi celeho spolocenstva veriacich, ktore je mu zverene.

"Neklaniame sa Bohu, lebo ho nepozname, vravel knaz."

Slzy knaza boli vraj pre Krista perlami....

" Existuju veci, ktore si niekedy nevieme vysvetlit. Alebo snad ano. Co sa stava je to, ze urcite veci velmi   bolia, ked  Pan dovoli, aby sme ich videli, aby to s nami sdielal.

Od tohto momentum  sa v nasej farnosti sa bude podavat svate prijimanie LEN priamo do ust a po klaciacky, ....."

(194) Priest cries at the altar



Zo zverejnenych slov z exorcizmu znameho talianskeho exorcistu o.Amortha 

This is what the Devil Says About Those Who Receive Communion in the Hand

Father Gabriele Amorth was the official exorcist of the Holy See for decades, until his death in September of this year. Fr. Amorth said in the year 2013 that he would have held some 160,000 exorcisms.

And some of his exorcisms became known through the book “Confessions of Hell to the exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth”.

And we want to share a conversation during an exorcism in 1975 that talks about communion in the hand.

Fr. Gabriele Amorth – Tell only the truth in the Name of the Precious Blood, of the Holy Cross, of the Immaculate Conception …

Demon (A) – We worked for a long time, down there (points down) until we got Communion in hand to be put into practice. Communion in the hand is very good for us in hell; Believe!

DIABOL: Pracovali sme dlho, az sme dosiahli , ze sa PRIJIMANIE NA RUKU ZAVIEDLO DO PRAXE!

Prijimanie na ruku je velmi dobre pre nas v pekle.

Fr. GA – We command you in Name (…) to say only what Heaven commands you! It says only the truth, the whole truth. You have no right to lie. Get out of this body! Go!

Demon – ELA (Virgin Mary) (points up) wants me to say …

Fr. GA – Tell the truth, in Name (…).

Demon – SHE wants me to say … that if SHE, the great LADY, still lived, would receive Communion in her mouth, and on her knees, and would bow down deeply (show how the Blessed Virgin would proceed).

Fr. GA – In the Name of the Blessed Virgin … tell the truth!

Demon – I have to say that you should not receive Communion in your hand. The Pope himself gives Communion in the mouth. It is not his will to give Communion in his hand. This comes from your Cardinals.

Fr.Amort: V mene Blahoslavenej Panny... povedz pravdu!

DEMON: Musim povedat, ze ty nesmies prijimat PRIJIMANIE na ruku. Papez dava prijimanie do ust. Nie je to jeho vola podavat prijimanie na ruku,  Toto pochadza od kardinalov.

Fr. GA- In Name (…) tell the truth!

Demon – From them passed to the Bishops, and then the Bishops thought that it was a matter of obedience, that they had to obey the Cardinals. Hence, the idea passed to the Priests and also they thought that they had to submit because the obedience is written in capital letters.

DEMON: Od nich to rpeslo na biskupov, a biskupi si mysleli, ze je to vec POSLUSNOSTI, ked budu posluchat kardinalov.  Odtial, myslienka sa preniesla na knazov a aj oni si myslia, ze sa musia podriadit , lebo  poslusnost sa pise s velkymi pismenami.

Fr. GA – Tell the truth. You do not have the right to lie in Name (…).

Demon – One is not obliged to obey the bad ones. It is to the Pope, to JESUS CHRIST, and to the Blessed Virgin that we must obey. Communion in the hand is by no means dear to God.

DEMON: Nie je povinnostou posluchat zleho. Je to na papezovi, na Jezisovi Kristovi, a Blahoslavenej Panne, ktoych treba posluchat,  Prijimanie an ruku nie je ziadnym sposobom MILE Bohu.