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ma slavit ako Sviatok Panny Marie - RUZE MYSTICKEJ.




Sukromne zjavenia z USA-


Ruza mysticka v tychto zjaveniach prosi o modlitby za obratenie hriesnikov. Za tych, ktori maju chybne a mylne nazory. Vravi, ze udrziavanim zivej tradicie v crkvi sa posilnuje Kristova cirkev. Nie je cas na kompromisy.  Modlitby su nutne.

Viera nie je politicky futbal.

Viera katolikov musi byt pevna, nesmie byt taka, ze sa potaca raz na jednu raz na stranu druhu.

Snaha a vola ZALUBIT SA BOHU je dolezita, nie konanie, ktore chce ZALUBIT sa  SVETU.

Rozhodnutie pre svatost znamena UPLNE ANO Bohu.

Tak  isto ako rozhodnutie byt katolikom neznamena, ze niektore pravdy z katolickej viery prijmeme a niektore nie.

Nebudte zatazeni problemami a nestracajte cas , kedy sa mozete cvicit v dovere k Bozej laske.



Spiritualita  cez zjavenia v USA - www.holyground-  je ekumenicka, pozyva k spolocnym modlitbam vsetkych krestanov, ale stoji na zakladoch a pravdach katolickej viery a vzdy s papezom. Nie je to ekumenizmus, ako ho chapu poniektori jeho kritici, ktori nici pravdy katolickej viery a prisposobuje sa viere protestantov.


Ján Pavol II. v encyklike Ut unum sint zdôraznil ústredný význam ekumenizmu: „Hnutie podporujúce zjednotenie kresťanov, nie je len nejakým ‚príveskom‘ k tradičným činnostiam cirkvi. Naopak, je organickou súčasťou jej života a pôsobenia.“1

 Benedikt XVI. :„Pokiaľ ide o mňa, chcem znovu potvrdiť svoje rozhodnutie, ktoré som vyslovil na začiatku svojho pontifikátu. Mojou prvoradou úlohou je neúnavne pracovať na obnovení plnej a viditeľnej jednoty všetkých Kristových nasledovníkov.“2 Tento hlboký záujem o jednotu sa týka všetkých katolíkov. Jedna z hlavných túžob kresťanov je plné spoločenstvo všetkých ľudí s Bohom – v súlade s Pánovou modlitbou: Aby všetci boli jedno3 – ako členov jedinej cirkvi založenej Kristom, ktorá „jestvuje (subsistit in) v Katolíckej cirkvi“, ako uvádza dogmatická konštitúcia Lumen gentium.4


Our Lady is here as Rosa Mystica. She says: "Please pray with Me now, for the conversion of all sinners." We prayed. "Dear children, tonight I call you more than ever, to place your faith in the grace of My Heart, which is all-consuming and never-ending. Dear children, I do not call you to the impossible. I call you to have faith in My mission and trust in Heaven's plan."




Our Lady is here as Rosa Mystica (Feast Day of Rosa Mystica). She says: "Pray with Me now for those who are led astray through erroneous opinions." We prayed. "Dear children, tonight I invite you to pray all the more, for fervent faith. Uphold the Tradition of Faith in your hearts My dear children, for this is the way to strengthen My Son's Church on earth. Do not be led astray through wrongful reasoning, for these days Satan attacks reason. Dear children, when you have strong faith in your hearts you are strengthening My Son's Church on earth. I am blessing you."


Our Lady comes as Rosa Mystica. She says: "All praise be Jesus in the tabernacles of the world."

"My angel, thank you for coming. I need your prayers. When you pray, a blissful fragrance ascends to Me. God allows that I should come to you during these times as Protectress of the Remnant faithful. More and more the prayer site will become a fortress of faith in the true tradition of faith. Battle lines have been drawn. There is no longer room for compromise. Those consecrated to Me have already been signed by Me and are ready to take up their shields and go into battle."

"Do not be afraid now to make known the position you are given to uphold - one of staunch tradition in support of this Holy Father. Others may waiver and pretend not to decide. Once again, I tell you, not to decide is to decide."

"While My Mission here remains ecumenical, those who respond as Catholics must be true to their faith - unwavering in their position. The faith is not a political football. When you take a stand to please God, you must not compromise it to please those in the world. What has been decided by this Holy Father is the decision you must abide by, or you cannot say you are Catholic."

"Please Me; soothe My Heart by realizing all that My simple Message of Holy Love entails. You cannot give a qualified 'yes' to Holy Love, just as you cannot qualify the Catholic faith, only believing part of Church teachings and tradition."

"We must pray together for many with great influence who live lives of compromise. Satan does exist. He strikes at the heel of the Woman who crushes his head. My heel is all the Remnant Faithful who come to be consecrated to Me - who live in Holy Love."

"I am always with you, blessing you."


Feast of Rosa Mystica

Mary, Rosa Mystica

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Today Our Lady comes as Rosa Mystica. It is Her Feast under this title. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"I desire very much that as I have spoken recently about the mystical workings of grace in lives and in the world, that people learn to trust in the grace of My Heart. When problems arise, dear children, turn to Me, your Heavenly Mother. Surrender to the grace of My Heart; then be at peace and observe how grace takes hold of every situation."

"Do not be so encumbered with the problems at hand that you miss the opportunity to trust in grace."

"Pray this prayer:"

"Heavenly Mother, I entrust to Your Maternal Heart this situation. Melt it into the grace of Your Heart, making it one with the Divine Will of God. Amen."