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Why does my cat keep shed hair

Do you often see cat hair at home? Hair loss is a normal feature of cats. The main function of cat hair is to regulate the body temperature of the cat, so cats will shed more frequently in summer. What you need to pay attention to is whether the cat has excessive hair loss. If your cat loses more than the normal amount of hair within a few weeks, you'd better take your cat to the vet. This article will introduce you to several reasons why cats shed hair.


1. Allergic factors

Skin allergies may cause cats to scratch their hair frequently, causing the hair to fall all the time, and eventually cause skin infections in cats. Although many allergic dermatitis will often recur, as long as the cat's allergens are controlled, cat allergies can be controlled.

2. Parasites

Parasites such as fleas and mites often bite the cat’s skin, causing the cat to feel itchy, and eventually causing more hair to fall. You should give your cat some anti-flea medicine on a regular basis.

3. Fungal infections

Ringworm is actually a fungal infection that multiplies on cat skin. Cats infected with ringworm will have skin problems and hair will fall off more quickly.

4. Mental Stress

When the cat is afraid, nervous, or under some kind of mental stress, the cat’s hair will also fall out very frequently. Please try to find the source of stress to the cat and comfort your cat.

5. Older cats

When cats are in old age, their hair will fall off much faster than when they were young. You can comb and comb their hair more, and they will feel your love.