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Eucharisticka univerzita /Patricia/


Zatial miestnym biskupom odmietnute zjavenie po odpovedi vatikanskej kongregacie na list p. Patricie.  Odpoved bola zverejnena.

Knazi a katolicki veriaci boli a su nadalej zdruzeni v Hnuti Bozej nevinnosti, ale nevyvijaju ziadne verejne aktivity. Odpovedali poslusnotou voci biskupskemu rozhodnutiu.

Komisia na skumanie zjaveni nebola vytvorena.

Miesto: Surbiton pri Londyne / miestna cast Berryland/  Anglicko, vizionarka Patricia de Menezes


Pan Jezis vyzyval, aby sa veriaci zhromazdili v malych skupinkach  a STUDOVALI SVOJU VIERU.

Najprv studium viery!!!


pred Jeho Sviatostnou Pritomnostou- pred Euchatistiou vystavenou k verejnej poklone.

Vravel, ze je to vyborne miesto pre RAST VO SVATOSTI, pre ziskanie MUDROSTI.


Nasa Pani / slová Panny Márie ako súkromné posolstvo/:

Dobra matka nikdy neostane ticho, ked sa raz rozhodla viest  deti urcitym smerom. Male deti rychlo zabudnu na to, co sa naucili.

Opakovanie a neustala starostlivost a neustale pripominanie je nutne.  Aku radost prezivaju mama a otec,

ked ich starostlivost a ich riadenie deti  dobrym smerom vidia v skutkoch svojich deti a na ceste zivota, ktorou kracaju.

Sam Boh ma v tom velke potesenie. Vasa nebeska Matka a vas ochranca sv.Jozef sa velmi raduju,

ked vidia Bozie deti svate, duchovne ZDRAVE, ktoré  kracaju po CESTE BOZEJ NEVINNOSTI.



9th March 1994.  New Zealand.


Patricia.   There is a light around Our Lady's statue and a great light coming from the Blessed Sacrament.


Jesus.  My children, your little gathering gives Me great consolation!  Even a quarter of an hour in My Presence can save countless souls and you personally gain great graces.  You will learn more here in My Presence than in years spent at a University.  Would that more and more people would avail themselves of this Eucharistic University!  You seem so few, but you are pioneers and recipients of a very great grace! 



21st October 1995.


Patricia.   The Eucharistic University – studying before the Blessed Sacrament.  Our Lord showed that being the Fountain of all knowledge, He could enlighten an infinite number of students on any subject and in any language.


Jesus.  No students will enjoy their studies as the students at the Eucharistic University will. You will enjoy learning and I will enjoy enlightening you. There will be few absentees.



5th November 1995. 


Patricia.   I was reading the first reading of the Office of Readings, taken from the Book of Wisdom, chapter 8, Our Lord commented upon it.  I also include chapter 9 which is equally significant.


Wisdom 8:


R.    She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well. I loved her and sought her from my youth, and I desired to take her for my bride, and I became enamoured of her beauty.  She glorifies her noble birth by living with God, and the Lord of all loves her.  For she is an initiate in the knowledge of God, and an associate in his works.  If riches are a desirable possession in life, what is richer than wisdom who effects all things?  And if understanding is effective, who more than she is fashioner of what exists?  And if any one loves righteousness, her labours are virtues; for she teaches self-control and prudence, justice and courage; nothing in life is more profitable for men than these. And if any one longs for wide experience, she knows the things of old, and infers the things to come; she understands turns of speech and the solutions of riddles; she has foreknowledge of signs and wonders and of the outcome of seasons and times.


Therefore I determined to take her to live with me, knowing that she would give me good counsel and encouragement in cares and grief.  Because of her I shall have glory among the multitudes and honour in the presence of the elders, though I am young.  I shall be found keen in judgement, and in the sight of rulers I shall be admired.  When I am silent they will wait for me, and when I speak they will give heed; and when I speak at greater length they will put their hands on their mouths.

Because of her I shall have immortality, and leave an everlasting remembrance to those who come after me.  I shall govern peoples, and nations will be subject to me; dread monarchs will be afraid of me when they hear of me; among the people I shall show myself capable, and courageous in war.  When I enter my house, I shall find rest with her, for companionship with her has no bitterness, and life with her has no pain, but gladness and joy.


When I considered these things inwardly, and thought upon them in my mind, that in kinship with wisdom there is immortality, and in friendship with her, pure delight, and in the labours of her hands, unfailing wealth, and in the experience of her company, understanding, and renown in sharing her words, I went about seeking how to get her for myself.  As a child I was by nature well endowed, and a good soul fell to my lot; or rather, being good, I entered an undefiled body. But I perceived that I would not possess wisdom unless God gave her to me - and it was a mark of insight to know whose gift she was - so I appealed to the Lord and besought him, and with my whole heart I said:


Wisdom 9:

"O God of my fathers and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things by thy word, and by thy wisdom hast formed man, to have dominion over the creatures thou hast made, and rule the world in holiness and righteousness, and pronounce judgment in uprightness of soul, give me the wisdom that sits by thy throne, and do not reject me from among thy servants.  For I am thy slave and the son of thy maidservant, a man who is weak and short-lived, with little understanding of judgment and laws;  for even if one is perfect among the sons of men, yet without the wisdom that comes from thee  he will be regarded as nothing.  Thou hast chosen me to be king of thy people and to be judge over thy sons and daughters.  Thou hast given command to build a temple on thy holy mountain, and an altar in the city of thy habitation, a copy of the holy tent which thou didst prepare from the beginning.


With thee is wisdom, who knows thy works and was present when thou didst make the world, and who understands what is pleasing in thy sight and what is right according to thy commandments.  Send her forth from the holy heavens, and from the throne of thy glory send her, that she may be with me and toil, and that I may learn what is pleasing to thee.  For she knows and understands all things, and she will guide me wisely in my actions and guard me with her glory.  Then my works will be acceptable, and I shall judge thy people justly, and shall be worthy of the throne of my father.  For what man can learn the counsel of God?  Or who can discern what the Lord wills?

For the reasoning of mortals is worthless, and our designs are likely to fail, for a perishable body weighs down the soul, and this earthy tent burdens the thoughtful mind.  We can hardly guess at what is on earth, and what is at hand we find with labor;  but who has traced out what is in the heavens?  Who has learned thy counsel, unless thou hast given wisdom and sent thy holy Spirit from on high? And thus the paths of those on earth were set right, and men were taught what pleases thee, and were saved by wisdom."


Jesus.     Wisdom – she flows from My Eucharistic Heart.  This Reading is proof of the Eucharistic University!




29th November 1995.  


Patricia.  Lord, what shall we tell those who wonder what we are doing for hours in your Presence?


Jesus.  Tell them you have enrolled in the open university - a university that is open to all men.  Tell them you have to attend classes.  Tell them your enrolment fees have been paid in full on the Cross and invite them to join you at the Eucharistic University of Divine Love.  Tell them the Professor can speak with authority on any subject, in any language, and enlighten any number of souls instantly, with simultaneous translations.  Tell them this University offers a Master's Degree, your Lord and Master's degree, and I expect every student to attain

First Class Honours with a P grade, P for Perfection. Graduation Day, with cap and gown, is in heaven!


Patricia.   What is the cap, Lord?


Jesus.  Humorously Our Lord said: "A halo".


Patricia.  And the gown, Lord?


Jesus.  Innocence; the White Robe of the saints who have been through the great persecution.


Jesus.  Tell them classes are held locally world-wide, as near as your local church, where My Real Presence is reserved. Too many lock My students out of the Eucharistic University.



5th May 1996.   Nazareth House.


Patricia.  Lord, at a University one takes exams - what kind of exams does one take at the Eucharistic University'?


Jesus.  Examinations of conscience!


(Patricia.  This made me laugh!)


Patricia.  Well said, Lord!  Yet it is a serious answer.


Jesus.  And an exam to pass with first class honours if you are to receive your cap (a halo) and gown (a robe of innocence).


Jesus.  In the first or freshman year at University so many students misuse their freedom; they are lazy and immoral.  Such behaviour is not acceptable here in the Eucharistic University.  The compulsory subjects are virtues, faith and good morals, catechism, bible studies, spirituality, Divine Office and conversion of manners.  I am meek and humble of heart, follow Me!


Patricia.  Our Lord showed that at University we are introduced to the Faculty.  Studying at the Eucharistic University means spending time before the Blessed Sacrament studying the Scripture and our Faith first then other subjects.


Patricia.  Who is on the Faculty of the Eucharistic University?  The Head of the Faculty is Our Lord the source of all Wisdom and Knowledge.  He teaches us how to use learning and talents according to the Will of God, the Laws of God, and his Church.


Our Lady and St. Joseph are very important members of the heavenly Faculty at the Eucharistic University and they are also our Novice Mistress and Novice Master in the Novitiate of the Holy Family.


The rest of the Faculty are: St. Peter and the Apostles and all the Saints, Our Patron Saints: St Gertrude, St. Francis, St. Benedict, St. Anthony.  We need to pray for the help of the members of the Faculty.


1st Year Students Beginners Class:


Subject:  Humility: We contemplate Our Lord's Divine Humility in Nazareth when Jesus, The Word, became Flesh in Our Lady's Womb and later consented to be born in a stable in Bethlehem and dwelt among us.  We strive to learn this Divine Humility and to grow in His Divine Innocence.


Subject:  Scripture: We study the Scriptures at the Eucharistic University.  The Root of the New Testament is in the Old Testament so we need to study the Old and New Testament if the Word is to be born in all we do.


Subject:  Catechism: We study the faith before the Blessed Sacrament in order to know it well, to live it and to defend the Faith of the Catholic Church, if necessary with our lives. We strive to amend our lives according to the truths and teachings of the Catholic Church.


Subject:  Discipline: The Divine Office, the Rosary, the Rule of St. Benedict, Regular times

of Eucharistic Adoration, prayer and study.


Subject:  Spirituality: We study the messages of Divine Innocence so as to understand better this spirituality and the original Divine Order Our Lord founded in the Holy Family and the Church.


Before we begin our studies at the Eucharistic University, we should first make an act of contrition and say a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking Him to enlighten our minds and hearts to the truth.


Jesus.  All students at the Eucharistic University, in all years, learn to conform their will to God the Father's Will.  All students need study and recreation, but those attending this University partake of holy, wholesome and innocent recreation.


Patricia.  Lord, there are usually houses to which students belong at University.


Jesus.  In this University you all belong to the same house – NAZARETH HOUSE, Trinity College!


There are no house rivalries - only unity of mind, heart and purpose, the life of the Trinity - this is Trinity College.  There are many professors - choose from the saints.  These are your free choice subjects. (Patricia. The study of any saint we feel drawn to read about.)


Jesus. There is no other University anywhere that will bring to perfection all your talents.  This is the Eucharistic University, a university par excellence!  Just like any other University you are expected to work at your studies!


Patricia.  After our faith we can study other vocational subjects in order that we can direct them up to the truth for the glory of God and the good of mankind.



9th October 1998. Studies before the Blessed Sacrament.


Jesus.   How can you study the word of God effectively separate from the Word made flesh in My Eucharistic Presence or divorced from the Mother of the Word in whose virginal womb I was formed. Study the word at the Eucharistic University, be it simple Bible reading or deeper Biblical studies. In this way you come to the fountain from where the word flows forth.


Ask St. Joseph to guard and protect the word in you and in your studies. Ask the Blessed Virgin Mother to nurture the word in you and to form it in you in holy and Divine Innocence. Say at each new study period "Be it done unto me according to thy word"  Ask Me, the Word to become incarnate in all your actions, thoughts, words, intentions and in your studies.  Here in My Real Presence you have the opportunity to study at the Eucharistic Seminary, which is an important area of the Eucharistic University. Here at the Eucharistic Seminary men, women and children may study together.


The young men (future priests) who study at the Eucharistic Seminary in deep humility will be priests of the highest calibre. They will study as I did in Nazareth in the company of the laity and learn from My Mother and foster father and from the grace of the Novitiate of the Holy Family in those lay people who are studying the Novitiate of the Holy Family.


Oh to see My Cardinals, Bishops and priest study at the Eucharisitc University, the Eucharistic Seminary and learning the Novitiate of the Holy Family.


This is the Eucharistic age of Divine Innocence. Why wait until a purifying fire must burn up all resistance to this grace. This is the work of the Holy Spirit he who sins against this grace and out pouring of the Holy Spirit commits a very grave sin. 



3rd December 1998.  Necessity to study our faith.


Patricia.   Our Lord showed that many viewed studying the faith as being ‘forced to walk the plank of the faith’instead of accepting sensible training for life more abundantly in this world, and eternally in the next.


Jesus.   How would you feel if you had to put yourselves in the hands of an untrained surgeon, pharmacist or doctor?  Many children are in the hands of those untrained in the faith.


Love is an invitation. The king invited important people to the banquet. They refused to come. Then he sent his servants out to the highways and byways. The one who was thrown out because he did not have a wedding garment on him was one of the poor . The fact that he was poor did not excuse him from having a wedding garment.


Jesus.   Now look at an ordinary wedding.  Even in the poorest weddings, great expense and preparation is involved for weddings here in this life. Studying the faith is in preparation for the wedding feast of the Lamb.


Patricia.   Lord, what about the cost of the Catechism Course?


Jesus.   You have been freely given, freely give!


Patricia.   The question should be asked: are the people truly committed?  What are we committed to?


Jesus.   Perfection.


Patricia.   Perfection of our roles within the Holy Family and the community of God’s people. Personification of the life of the Blessed Trinity according to the Will of the Father in our roles and in our vocation.


Jesus.   Personal and universal! 


Patricia.   Our Lord showed each individual stone in a wall making up the whole of the building, as we become living stones that build up the Church triumphant in Holy Innocence.


14th January 2000.


Patricia.   A group of us were studying before Our Lord’s Real Presence, some doing their Catechism course and some their theology course.  Our Lord said:


Jesus.    These intimate groups where you study the faith greatly please me.  It gives me the same satisfaction that parents have when they see their children at their studies; being good, diligent, well behaved and obedient.


26th June 2003.  Eucharistic Adoration and study.

Patricia.  We were sharing our study insights and Our Lord said:

Jesus.  With regard to your study, you must be careful that you are not like naughty children who dip their fingers into jam or honey pots and lick the fingers – only dipping into reading and study and receiving a momentary taste of the faith, doctrine, biblical studies or spiritual reading and then dropping that book only to dip into another.  Your study should have continuity and order.  Work through suitable books and subjects.  The health of a child who lives only on dipping their fingers into jam and honey pots will soon deteriorate.  So will your spiritual health if you have no pattern or order in your studies and reading.  You will never mature and will end up in the lower mansions!

If I told you to not bother to eat your breakfast, lunch or evening meal for years on end and only to eat sweets and snacks, never enjoying a complete meal, you would be horrified, but many of you do just that in your spiritual life – never a good doctrinal, spiritual or biblical meal but spiritual sweets and snacks to the detriment of your spiritual health and your eternal detriment! 



6th February 2002(ii).  Rome.


Patricia.   Our Lord referred to our coming together at the Eucharistic University:


Jesus.   We do have some busy students this morning.  The Eucharistic University and a new age of TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT -  Enlightened in the light of Divine Love – Enlightened in all areas of human endeavour!  Your philosophy of Catholic Education* will then glow with the light of Divine Love.


*Patricia.  I was studying the philosophy of education - Catholic (universal) education, as part of my religious education studies.



13th February 2002.  Rome. The Philosophy of Education .


Patricia.   I was studying the philosophy of education and learned that distorted or erroneous worldviews or philosophies will result in a distorted, error ridden, education system and teaching methods.  In the pursuit of truth, which is the general goal of education, unless the worldview has its foundation in revealed truth, in Scripture and in the Person of Truth, Jesus Christ, with its final goal as sanctification and salvation, the journey to the fullness of truth will inevitably wander from the ‘straight and narrow path’ that leads to God. 


Some might object that the straight and narrow path that Jesus spoke of in the Gospel means restrictions and narrowing down of enquiry and the pursuit of knowledge and truth.  The Catholic view must show that the ‘narrow way’ in all human endeavour is the brilliant light of Truth illuminating the darkness of sin and error and human limitations, thus giving the true seeker of a wholesome and true education the breath of vision and enquiry that is in Almighty God, having no limits within the fullness of Truth.  Our Lord said:


Jesus.   Let us look at the state centred philosophy of life and worldview e.g. Communism, Marxism.  The laws of such a system depend on man, begin in man and end in disaster and suffering as these systems have amply revealed.  They are restrictive and authoritarian based upon the whims of man, one man or the collective man.  (Patricia. Some seeds of truth can be found in most systems though not all).  The philosophy of science, man’s proof, only is accepted and God’s proof rejected.  Man believes his unaided intellect, and busy enquiry, seeks empirical truth, to do with it as he likes.  Except of course the Catholic Christian scientist, obedient to the laws of God, the Gospel and the teachings of the Church!



26th June 2002(ii).


Patricia.   After spending time studying before Our Lord’s real Presence at the Eucharistic University we sang a hymn.  Father gave the Blessing with the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lord said:


Jesus.   You do here in embryo what will take place all over the world, in great cathedrals and churches and in parishes.  Millions of students will attend the Eucharistic University!



5th August 2002(ii).  


Patricia.  Our Lord showed that the pursuit of knowledge had become separated from its source; universities had moved away from God and faith and reason were not working together, as happens at the Eucharistic University.  Our Lord showed that He had started with us who had no theological knowledge but had studied our Catechism, Scripture and theology before the Blessed Sacrament.  It is not that we were not expected to take formal courses and tuition from professors, but that we needed to learn and deepen our knowledge of the faith so that we grow ‘in stature and wisdom before God and man’.  We needed to come before God the Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Author of all knowledge and is present in the Eucharist.  Fr. Jobert said that human intellect needs to submit itself before the Divine Intellect.


I was shown that when people see students going to the Eucharistic University (and doing well at their studies) in order to true up their subjects such as science, maths history, languages etc. to Divine Truth and Catholic teaching, the professors will wonder where their students have gone and will themselves come to see what is happening in parish churches, cathedrals, oratories.  They will see that there are no fees at the Eucharistic University.  People working in the different professions and vocations, doctors, scientists, engineers, musicians etc. need to come to the Eucharistic University to advance in the knowledge of their subjects and to learn the Novitiate of the Holy Family.


12th October 2003(i). Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven. Parish ChurchSolesmesFrance.


Patricia.    During our retreat at Solesmes Abbey we used to study before the Blessed Sacrament in the Parish Church each morning after Mass.  At noon together we said the Angelus and sang the Salve Regina, during which Our Lady came and spoke:


Our Lady.  Please tell the people that this study retreat deeply pleases me.  Every parish church needs to begin the Eucharistic University and serious study for the people and the priests.  The study needs to have structure; biblical studies, catechises, theology, doctrine, devotion, in order to follow the Way of My Son’s Divine Innocence.  You need to have a deep understanding of the Plan of Salvation.  Your own study should lead to missionary work.  The future Church depends on apostolic work, evangelisation and catechises.  Thank you for your efforts, you gain great blessings +.  [Patricia. Our Lady gives us her Motherly Blessing]


9th December 2003.  Eucharistic University.

Patricia. Our Lord referred to a scientist who had worked on the subject of light reaching the earth and who had claimed that he had disproved Einstein’s Theory. Sadly he had not responded to Our Lord’s request to come and learn at the Eucharistic University.  Our Lord said:

Jesus.  I could move him up from the kindergarten to top class!



Studying our Faith.


The messages of Divine Innocence strongly urge us to study our faith diligently and systematically.  We are encouraged to begin with a formal course in the Catechism or theology from an approved Catholic body such as Maryvale Institute, Birmingham (tel. 0121 3608118).  Courses are available in the Catechism, catechesis, biblical studies, study of the Church’s documents, theology and philosophy.


Basic books to begin with are the Bible (approved translations), the Catechism of the Catholic Church and maybe some good Catholic reference books such as The Sunday Visitors Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine

ISBN no. 0879737468.  An excellent introduction to the Catechism is Peter Kreeft’s Catholic Christianity  ISBN no. 0898707986.  One should be able to get these books at good Christian booksellers.  An excellent series of Catholic apologetics is produced by Lumen Verum PO Box L50 Mount Lewis, NSW 2200, Australia  E-mail  The Vatican web site provides an excellent exposition of the Catholic Faith with access to the documents of the Church. The Catholic Television Network EWTN (St. Clare Media Ltd, Tel. 01453 832500) broadcasts many good programmes that help us to understand our faith better.


13th May 1998.  Nazareth House.


Patricia.  We chose this day to crown of Our Lady with flowers and also to honour the Enthronement of the Infant King. We had a little procession in the garden led by the children carrying the Infant King and then Our Lady of the Hidden and Mystical Wounds.


Patricia.  I was thinking how in many Churches today Our Lady seems no longer to be honoured and I heard Our Lord say:


Jesus.  He who does not honour the Mother, from whom I was born, will quickly dishonour her Son.


Jesus.  There are two errors: The error of those whose devotion does not have the strength of full knowledge of the faith*. This devotion is often full of sentimental emotion and an excuse for immaturity and wilfully refusing to change or to grow in the knowledge of the faith. Speak of studying the faith to these people and watch the expression of resistance to the truth move across their faces and leap into their eyes.


The second error is committed by those people who refuse the Blessed Mother and the Saints their due honour. Many priests are guilty of this. They starve themselves and their flock of the feasts of the Blessed Mother and the Saints. They wound the love of the people for their Heavenly Mother and the great Saints of the Church.  These priests, and lay people of this type, scorn the simple devotion of the people under the pretext of superior knowledge of the faith. Yes, they do often understand more theology, (the documents of the Church etc.) but their superior knowledge has driven out love and compassion for their flock and in the case of the laity of this sort, the love and compassion they should have for their fellow parishioners. They are bent on destroying the devotion of the people that has carried many a theologian, priest and lay person on the wings of their faithful prayer to heaven. Both these errors are not acceptable in my sight!


Patricia.  Our Lord has asked us to study our faith diligently. He said that many people put husbands, wives, children, houses, lands, jobs, before Him and it was our solemn duty to make a lifelong intensive study of the Catholic Faith we profess. Speaking of this study, Our Lord said:


Jesus.  The study of the faith is vital and I expect the best results your intelligence and gifts are able to achieve!


Patricia.  Speaking of our day of devotion when we were honouring Our Lady and the Divine Innocence of the Infant King Our Lord said:


Jesus.  Your day of devotion and the honour you give to My Mother pleases me. The honour you give to My Divine Innocence in the devotion to the Infant King also pleases me, but do not confine this honour to statues and processions. Let this honour live in you by working hard to learn the faith. Let the Word take flesh in you in all My Divine Innocence. (The Divine Innocence of Jesus throughout all His life, His Passion, Death and Resurrection, not just in Our Lord's childhood.)


Jesus.  Let the honour you give the Blessed Mother be shown forth in the glory and beauty of the role of women. Let the honour you give St. Joseph be shown forth in the glory and purity of the role of men triumphant in My Divine Innocence. Let the honour you give the Saints be shown forth in the loveliness of their virtues shining out of your lives. My Blessing on your day and on your recreation +.


Patricia.  After the devotions we had a picnic lunch together and Our Lord showed that our recreation should be in keeping with, and not in opposition to, Catholic faith and morals. Many people went to Church on Sunday but the rest of their lives had nothing to do with the teachings of the Church or even the laws of God. They watched programmes on television or took part in recreation was contrary to the Catholic Faith.


Lumen Gentium n.67 states: ‘Let the faithful remember moreover that true devotion consists neither in sterile or transitory affection, nor in a certain vain credulity, but proceeds from true faith, by which we are led to know the excellence of the Mother of God, and we are moved to a filial love toward our Mother and to the imitation of her virtues’.



1st June 2001.  First Friday. Walk of Reparation (at the pine tree).


Patricia.   Our Lady appeared at the pine tree and I asked her:


Patricia.   Mother, where do we go from here (i.e. what direction should we take to get this message to the Church and the world)?


Our Lady.   Concentrate on your studies!  The time will come for you to move forward, wait on His word!  Do not worry about results, all is being taken care of, you have been obedient.  This pleases God and moves the cause of the Way of Divine Innocence forward.  The cure for the people’s sufferings is the knowledge of their faith and the joyful determined practice of the Catholic faith!  Your whole lives need to be illumined by the light of true doctrine, I repeat my request, study your faith.  Do not give up!  Parents with small children, if you do not continue your studies and labour to instil the faith solidly in your children, they will not be equipped to protect themselves against the evils of the world.


Patricia.   Mother, many parents may say that they are too busy looking after the physical needs of the children to study their faith?


Our Lady.   Then you will eventually be like this tree (along the roadside there is a row of mature lime trees, one of them had a large hole at its base and the tree was hollow inside).  You will seem sound on the outside but hollow on the inside – no heartwood, no strength!


Patricia.   Mother, the older people may say they are too tired or sick?


Our Lady.   Little steps complete the journey as you see with the children (P. Small children had completed the long walk of Reparation with their parents).  The same older person will go to great lengths to go on holiday or prepare a meal.  Prepare a meal of the faith each day, then eat and digest it!  Each day you should learn something new about your faith!  Read the Scriptures and advance in knowledge of God, My Motherly Blessing +.


Patricia.   Continued later….


Our Lady.  Too many people look at the state of the world rather than the state of their own souls!  Too many are happy to remain on the level of devotions and never advance to doctrine!  My Son died that ‘all men might be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth’.  How much knowledge of the truth do you possess?  What are the theological virtues*?  What are the works of mercy*, the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit*, what are the cardinal virtues*?  Have you ever opened the new Catechism of the Catholic Church or the General Directory of Catechesis?  Are you aware of the awesome moment of your particular judgement, when all the years of your life will be opened to the gaze of God.  When He looks for the times you made an effort to gain knowledge of God; will He see little interest or effort?  My children, this instruction is given to help you save your souls, to discover the joys of an ever deepening knowledge of the Holy Catholic faith, to experience the vigorous action of the Holy spirit in your lives, to draw you to be special friends of God and staunch defenders of the faith. Resolve today to begin or renew your study!  Sloth is a deadly sin indeed when it comes to the knowledge of your faith!  Take up the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Scriptures, the Divine Office, the documents of the Church!  My Motherly Blessing +.


*     CCC 2447:

The Theological virtues are faith, hope and love.

      The Works of mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbour in his spiritual and bodily necessities. Instructing, advising, consoling, comforting, are spiritual works of mercy, as are forgiving and bearing wrongs patiently. The corporal works of mercy consist especially in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead. 


*     CCC 1832:

The seven gifts  of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. They belong in their fullness to Christ, Son of David. They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations.  CCC 1831.  The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity." 


*    CCC. 1805:  The Cardinal virtues are: prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance.