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Určite všetci tí ktorí prišli na túto stránku tak poznajú hru minecraft.

a aj modpacky k nemu, tu napríklad voltz: (není to odo mňa)

Voltz – zapněte elektřinu


Pokud jste někdy spustili Technic Launcher, možná jste zahlédly balíček módů skrytý pod názvem Voltz, ale měli jste strach jej spustit. Bát se rozhodně nemusíte, právě naopak. Pokud vás v Tekktu štvalo, že na každý přístroj musíte používat jiný zdroj energie, je Voltz právě pro vás.

Všechny módy v balíčku mají totiž jedno společné – využívají Universal Electricity API. Přeloženo do češtiny a podáno polopatě: všechny přístroje používají jen jeden druh elektřiny a je úplně jedno, jestli si ji vyrábíte z uhlí, ze slunce, nebo jadernou elektrárnou.

Jedním z nejzajímavějších a pro tento mod pack nejvýznamnějším módem je ICBM, který přidává do hry nejen hromady nových výbušnin, ale z těchto výbušnin lze vyrábět i rakety a odstřelovat tak své nepřátele na dálku, díky čemuž si můžete s kamarády vyzkoušet virtuální válku, jako třeba členové Yogscastu ve své Voltz sérii:

To samozřejmě není vše. Balíček také přidává například mod Modular Power Suits, se kterým si můžete vyrobit brnění, které vám umožní běhat rychleji, skákat výše nebo třeba plachtit při skoku z výšky. Mod Atomic Science vám umožní postavit například urychlovač částic a fúzní nebo štěpný reaktor. A kdyby vám náhodou něco z toho vybouchlo, můžete si základnu zabezpečit silovým polem z módu MFFS (Modular Force Field System).

Je toho opravdu hodně, takže další módy zmíním jen v rychlosti. Railcraft přidává soustu nových kolejí (křižovatky, vyztužené a vysokorychlostní koleje) a několik nových vozíků a dokonce i lokomotiv, které nyní můžete spojovat a vytvářet tak vlaky. Nejvíce se vám bude nejspíš hodit tunnel bore, neboli tunelovací vlek, který prorazí vše, co mu stojí v cestě a vykopané suroviny může skladovat v připojeném vozíku s truhlou, čímž se stává jedinou možností zcela automatické těžby v tomto mod packu.

Za zmínku stojí i mod Assembly Line, který dokáže nahradit transportní potrubí z tekkitu dopravními pásy, které je však třeba napájet. K těmto pásům můžete přidat programovatelnou robotickou ruku nebo detektor a zprovoznit si tak třídičku.

Nechybí ani základní mody ulehčující hru, jako Not Enough Items, Rei’s Minimap a Inventory Tweaks, bez kterých si hraní takto rozsáhlých mod packů nedokážeme ani představit.

Stejně jako pro Tekkit je i pro Voltz vyvíjen patch pro oblíbený Sphax texture pack od skupiny

Voltz je postupně vytlačován mod packem Ampz, který najdete v „konkurenčním“ FTB Launcheru. Ampz byl nedávno updatován pro verzi Minecraftu 1.5.2, což s sebou přináší spoustu výhod, ale i nevýhod. Z důvodů nekompatibility byl například vyřazen mod Blastcraft a nenajdete v něm ani Railcraft (ten však lze přidat ručně a hra se zdá být stabilní). Další problém pak přichází s texture packy, které ještě nejsou uzpůsobeny na verzi 1.5

alebo TEKKIT:

Nový Tekkit plný překvapení

Fanoušci technoidního Minecraftu, tedy Tekkitu, čekali na novou verzi hodně dlouho. Měsíce se o něm mluvilo, měsíce přicházeli rozporuplné informace. Nakonec se šuškanda potvrdila a Tekkit se opravdu zásadně změnil. Ta zásadní změna spočívá především ve faktu, že nový Tekkit opustil od rodiny modů IC2 (Industrial Craft 2) a především tím, že vlajkovou lodí Tekkitu se stal Galacticraft!

Že nový Tekkit vsadil vše na Galacticraft prozrazuje již nové logo Tekkitu, jehož součástí je nyní raketa. Galacticraft je navíc zmiňován hned na prvním místě seznamu modů a dokonce hlavním motivem nových stránek Tekkitu je Galacticraft. Pro mě, jako průkopníka Galacticraftu v našich krajích, je to pochopitelně důvod k radosti. Na druhou stranu jsem opravdu zvědav, jak si nový Tekkit poradí s dost šíleným vývojem Galacticraftu a především jak si ostatní mody poradí s jinou Měsíční fyzikou.




webová stránka

Prevodovka a uvedené na kampaň hoden povesti pre Hexxit bol objavený! Tmavé žalára, týčiaci sa špirály, zvetrané ruiny a zatuchnuté zväzky ležali pred vami. Uplatniť nárok na bohatstvo alebo si vytvorte vlastné artefakty, skrotené zvieratá a vybojovať svoj ​​vlastný príbeh v nekonečnom údivu. Sami alebo s priateľmi, dobrodružstvo na vás čaká v Hexxit.
Hexxit je nová kolekcia pre Minecraft mods, ktoré kladú nadovšetko dobrodružstvo v štýle starých Dungeons and Dragons kampaní. Prieskum je zaujímavé, že nebezpečenstvá väčšie a pocit uspokojenia z vypratanie dungeon je intenzívny. Modlist je plný kvalitného obsahu z niekoľkých veľmi talentovaných jedincov. Uistite sa, že cez hlavu na stranu darovať a ukázať svoju vďačnosť!


by chicken_bones

Not Enough Items

by chicken_bones

CoFH Core

by KingLemmingCoFH

bspkrs Core

by bspkrs

Custom LAN Ports

by CptHunter

Inventory Tweaks

by Kobata


by DaftPVF and bspkrs


by Eydamos

Rotten Flesh to Leather

by Epic Blargh and thesbros

Tinkers Construct

by mDiyo


by Myrathi

Armor Bar

by CrudeDragos

Asgard Shield

by Jade Knightblazer

Asgard Shield Addons

by Jade Knightblazer

Back Tools

by iChun

Battle Towers

by Atomic Stryker

Better Dungeons

by Chocolatin

Better Storage

by copygirl


by Nuchaz

Buff Bar

by CrudeDragos


by Torojima

Damage Indicators

by rich1051414

Dimensional Doors

by StevenRS11


by ScottKillen and MisterFiber

Enchanting Plus

by mssodin28 and GnRSlash

Harken Scythe

by Jade Knightblazer

Infernal Mobs

by Atomic Stryker

Legend Gear

by NMcCoy

Map Writer

by Davey Liam

Falling Meteors Mod

by AlexDGr8r

More Bows!

by iDiamondhunter


by mDiyo


by Rhodox and Cannibal Vox

Project Zulu

by CrudeDragos


by Atomic Stryker

Soul Shards

by Shadw Drgn

Twilight Forest

by Benimatic

Wild Caves 3

by Alexmania

Xeno's Reliquary

by x3n0ph0b3

Immibis Microblocks

by immibis

Immibis Core

by immibis

Hexxit Gear

by sct

Better Dungeons Data 1


Better Dungeons Data 2


Ruins Data 1


Ruins Data 2


Ruins Data 3



by Shukaro

Not Enough Items: Plugins

by Mystaqur

Chest Transporter

by CubeX2

Secret Rooms

by Abrar Syed


by dan200


Big Dig 1.3.9
Mohlo by to tiež byť podvod!

Big Dig je balíček sústredené okolo nového druhu svetovej generácie, s veľkými a časté rudných žíl. Statný mod zoznamu a tonu tuku žil, dúfame, že budete tráviť menej času vyberanie zdrojov, a viac času experimentovanie s najlepšími mods Minecraft komunita ponúka. Jazdiť na Chocobo, postaviť továreň svojich snov a roztaviť všetky rudy, niektorí hovoria, že podvádza. No, a je to skoro je.


CodeChickenCore by chicken_bones

Required by Chicken Bones' Mods

The Core mod for all Powercrystals related mods

Core mod required for immibis mods

Thermal Expansion, at its core, is a 'tech' mod - it's a mod of what ifs. For example, what if you could turn water into ice or snow with a machine? Or how about a machine that could combine lava and water however you choose? What if there were a wool that didn't burn? Or, what if you could set up advanced yet extremely compact production chains that didn't require redstone engines or complex pipe routing? If any of that interests you, then you may want to check this out.

The core dependency mod for all bspkrs mods

NEI is a successor to both Too Many Items and Recipe Book. It arose around the same time as Craft Guide when Alexandria and a few others on the IRC suggested that I merge both Too Many Items and Recipe Book to remove their greatest flaws, ironically too many items, or in the case of recipe book, too many recipies. Too Many Items was great, but the one thing it lacked was an easy way to search and sort your items. When you had a mod like Red Power coming along with 10000 items both TMI and Recipe Book were racking up the pages. Even if you don't want to use NEI for cheating in items, you will likely feel right at home with the Recipe component of the mod.

Tweaks your inventory handling to be more intuitive. Break your iron sword in the heat of battle and don't have time to replace it? No worries, if you have another one handy in your inventory it will automatically be moved into the last slot it was used! Works with all stacked items!

A slick UI improvement to display blocks where different kinds of mobs are able to spawn- in the daytime and in the night time.

Applied Energistics is a Minecraft Mod which contains some basic tools, some electric tools, and an advanced storage system called ME that lets you store items compactly, and in the way you want. Applied Energistics - ME Networks provide: Simple but robust automation tools, and great support for working with other other automation mods. Includes a system which lets you create and use an automated crafting system. Ways to include other storage from other mods or the vanilla game. Lets you monitor your storage and trigger things via redstone. Ways to alter your setup on redstone signal. Save yourself a little time with wireless storage access.

Eliminates the experience cap when repairing items on the anvil.

Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!

Raise and breed chocobos to create the perfect speedy mount!

Add's Lua based computers to the game

A grab bag of great peripherals- RFID, magnetic cards, and sound speakers!

OpenCCSensors is an open source add-on mod for ComputerCraft which gives your computers the ability to retrieve information about the area around them.

This is a block that loads chunks. There is a limit on the number of chunks each non-op player can load in SMP, and each chunk loader can load an adjustable area.

This mod adds doors to Minecraft that open up to individual pocket Dimensions. In addition to these doors, it also adds several other features that help the player manipulate reality, forming rifts, linking dimensions, and even sending them to places they really should have never been.

Improved dungeons, floating villages, and surface dangers.

This mod allows you to transmute tons of materials into other materials.

EnderStorage is a mod that offers a means to store your items in The END, causing them to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All EnderStorage makes use of the magic of colors to link storage with its little piece of The END. Any EnderStorage with the same color code share inventory (even across dimensions). Currently there are two types of storage, EnderChest and EnderPouch.

So many new bee species! Bees can make rocks, bees can make Ender Pearls, bees can make metals, bees can make anything!

IronChests adds several new chests to the game. One for each type of metal. You can even upgrade them!

Chemistry in minecraft! Break down materials into test tubes full of pure elements and then perform experiments to recombine them into something entirely different!

A way to automatically farm plants and animals, as well some new rail tracks! With this mod you can set up a completely automated farm for any of these things that requires no real work aside from collecting the harvests and reloading the planter, without incredibly complex and unwieldy water/piston solutions. And you can milk cows to death or otherwise run livestock farms if you need those resources. Oh and it has conveyor belts too.

MachineMuse’s Modular Powersuits is a mod based around the idea of an inventor who tinkers with high-tech electronics and makes a suit of powered armor chock-full of useful gadgets and features. Inspired by heroes like Iron Man, Megaman, and Samus Aran, as well as by the high-tech armor in other mods like EE2 and IC2.

This is an implementation of something that I know a lot of people have wanted, a wrench that works on many different mods: BuildCraft (and Forestry, RailCraft, Thermal Expansion), IndustrialCraft, and all Universal Electricity mods as well.

Adds 14 types of flowers to the world!

Cook zombie flesh into leather in an ordinary furnace!

Disguise blocks, hide entrances, and turn your base into a mystery!

Configure your game to begin with the starting resources you want: armor, food, torches, and more. Even change the bonus chest!

Trap mob souls in a crystal, and then use it to power a mob spawner!

Thermal Expansion, at its core, is a 'tech' mod - it's a mod of what ifs. For example, what if you could turn water into ice or snow with a machine? Or how about a machine that could combine lava and water however you choose? What if there were a wool that didn't burn? Or, what if you could set up advanced yet extremely compact production chains that didn't require redstone engines or complex pipe routing? If any of that interests you, then you may want to check this out.

Chop down a tree with a single mighty blow!

Craft yourself a meal with new mutton and squid tentacle drops, and crafted recipes such as smoothies, cheese, sandwiches, and more. Many foods have buff effects or cure poison!

From the Forestry website: "Forestry is a mod for the game Minecraft."

This is a fairly basic mod. It makes the eight 'ores' - coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, sopper and tin - spawn in the nether so that you have a reason to go there.

Additional buildable modules for Modular Power Suits, including the auto-feeder, kinetic generator, item magnet, and more!

Chop up your blocks into microblocks to create beautiful works of art, hide unsightly wiring and pipes, and generally spruce up your base.

The Trade Booth Mod adds two interactive blocks that facilitate 24 hour offline/away player trading, especially useful for servers! Create shops, restaurants, newbie hubs, whatever!

Over a dozen incredible new pipes for Buildcraft!

Galacticraft allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship. Travel throughout the solar system, create and customize your very own spaceship, and explore new planets and moons!

Greg's Lighting adds massive floodlights to the game which can improve your base's convenience and attractiveness.

New pressure plates made from blocks of obsidian (that only work when players step on them) or mossy cobble (that only work when NPCs step on them). You can craft one of these over a block of wool to make silent versions (that don't make clicking sounds). You can craft any of those four variants in the middle of alternating nether quartz and glowstone dust to make shrouded (see-through) versions. Smelting a silent or hidden plate will return a noisy, visible one.

Adds more storage options, like Storage Crates, Backpacks, Reinforced Chests, Lockers, Armor Stands, as well as locks and keys for its chests.

Modular Force Field System is a Minecraft mod that brings in modular force fields into Minecraft. Ever tired of nuclear explosions blowing up your house or want to prevent people from entering your secret bases? MFFS is the mod for you!

Every get bored of mining all the time for resources? Want a new way of collecting them? Magical Crops gives you the ability to grow your own resources! Grow Diamonds, Coal, Emeralds or even Experience, Now go and create a vast farm for all your needs!

TConstruct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever.

Natura is a mod that aims to spice up the world with interesting worldgen. With a few small additions, hunger no longer has to be about hunting animals early game. The mod is mostly intuitive; everything should be sensible or explained in-game.

Electricity generation is always a heavy burden. That's why we are here to bring in high tech nuclear power to solve all your electricity deficiency problems. With our fission reactors, fusion reactors, antimatter generators and thorium power, you won't be short of electricity ever again! Note that this mod is still in alpha stage so documentation on items are not done properly.

ICBM is a Minecraft Mod that introduces intercontinental ballistic missiles to Minecraft. But the fun doesn't end there! This mod also features many different explosives, missiles and machines classified in three different tiers. If strategic warfare, carefully coordinated airstrikes, messing with matter and general destruction are up your alley, then this mod is for you!

Mekanism brings 5 new sets of tools and armor, a new types of tools and weapons, more explosives, magic items, weather and time control, powerful machines, a new kind of bow and arrow, lightning rods, and a few other features into Minecraft. Even better, it's open source.

Component of Mekanism

Component of Mekanism

Mineable Ender pearls, never hunt Endermen again!

This mod completely gets rid of the randomness of enchanting and allows you to pick what YOU want on your tools! It will register enchantments that other mods add and will show up for the appropriate tool.

An amazing minimap display at the top right corner of the screen. Check out the thread above for a full list of all the features available with this mod.

Beautiful improvements to worldgen, with new cosmetic blocks.

This mod is quite unlike any peripheral you've used before, because: 1) You don't need it installed client-side if you're playing in multiplayer 2) It doesn't use any item IDs or block IDs, so installing is just a case of dropping it into the mods folder 3) You'll rarely need to update it. Methods are all pulled from a remotely hosted configuration file in the github repository, so it'll regularly update without you needing to do anything What does it do? It turns various blocks within the game into peripherals, and exposes methods for you to call from the computer.

This is a very simple mod that only adds one thing to the game, the Project Bench. It's a simple block that is one part crafting bench, one part chest. It gives you the ability to place a recipe in the crafting area and make it multiple times with the supplies from the chest portion of it. There are 18 total spaces that will supply items to craft for the recipe if it is needed.

Additional NEI support for Buildcraft, Forestry, Tinker's Construct, Minefactory Reloaded, and others.

Logistics Pipes is an extensive overhaul of the Buildcraft pipe system. It allows for better distribution of items via pipes, more organised stockkeeping and easier automated crafting.

Travel to other worlds with the lost art of the D'ni. Craft worlds to your liking, but beware of writing too greedily or too sternly, or you will face perilous instability!

Get Big Dig

Big Dig is available from the Technic Launcher. Grab the launcher and switch it to the Tekkit Lite pack and you are good to go!

Download the Technic Launcher Download the Big Dig Server 1.3.9

Recommended: 1.3.9 Latest: 1.3.13


preložte si :)

busines elite

Web :
Teamspeak 3 :

1. . Otvorte si technic platformu
2. . Kliknite na tlačidlo Pridať nové balenie
3. . V poli Vložiť " "
4. Kliknite na " Pridať Modpack "
5. Prihláste sa a nechajte pack k stiahnutiu
6. Prejsť na multiplayer a vyberte server , ktorý bude automaticky tam !

BusinessElite modpack bol vytvorený s cieľom uspokojiť tých z vás , ktorí jednoducho milujú používania technologických mody ! Predmety , ako sú lomy alebo počítača existujú , aby vaše minecraft skúsenosti oveľa viac Zaujímavá ! Mať radosť z tvorby obrovskej továrne a ohromne successdul podniky s priateľmi a vŕtať s drôty a potrubia ! Všetko , čo môžete chcieť vytvoriť v minecraft je možné s modpack BusinessElite !

BusinessElite má oficiálny serveri! Bez whitelistu , bez PVP , a absolútne bez Griefing oficiálnej BusinessElite server je úžasné miesto , kde začať s batériou alebo sa len pobaviť s úžasnou komunity . Spoznajte nových ľudí , nových priateľov a zažiť všetku technológiu , ktorá BusinessElite má ponúknuť pre Vás !

BusinessElite hľadá pre vaše návrhy ! Chceme , aby ste boli pod kontrolou vlastnú BusinessElite zážitok ! Takže ak máte nejaké návrhy , ktoré chcete pridať do svorky a potom hovoriť na našom fóre ! Chceme , aby ste ... riadiť smer , ktorý BusinessElite bude brať v obci minecraft modpacking ! Návrhy idú na našom fóre !

Sme teraz vydala serverové súbory BusinessElite ! Poznámka : Hráči , je doporučovaná hrať na predvolené serveroch , pretože sú vyrobené buď zo strany vývojárov , alebo dôveryhodnými ľuďmi .
To je tiež doporučovaná buď použiť bukkitforge alebo MCPC + , aby mohli používať pluginy so serverom !

Kliknite na ME Choď na stránku stiahnutiu